
Dec 21, 2008

Josh Kornbluth improvs at Netivot Shalom!

Josh Kornbluth improvs at Netivot Shalom!
as part of "Andy Warhol: Good for the Jews?" for the Contemporary Jewish Museum

monday, dec 22 at 8pm  // tuesday, dec 23 at 10am  // monday, dec 29 at 8pm  // tuesday, dec 30 at 8pm

These events are free, but am $18 donation at the door is requested.

Josh Kornbluth's newest monologue-in-progress is a witty yet profound exploration of modern art, contemporary identity, and Jewish history, connected with the Contemporary Jewish Museum's Warhol's Jews: Ten Portraits Reconsidered.  Join Kornbluth, who recently presented "Citizen Josh" at Netivot Shalom as an American Jewish World Service fundraiser for Darfur at Netivot Shalom, as he unleashes a new monologue commissioned by the CJM entitled "Warhol: Good for the Jews?"  (The website for the series is here.Each improv will take place in the sanctuary of Netivot Shalom, and all are invited! 

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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