
Dec 18, 2008

Special Announcement: Israel Adventure this Summer!! (August 2 �16, 2009)

Israel Adventure
August 2 �16, 2009
Led by Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Join this unique opportunity to be touched by the beauty of Israel's rich history and its modern vibrancy with gifted teachers and family and friends! This trip is open to the wider community and is designed to allow families as well as adults traveling without children to fully experience Israel � a full�time youth educator will provide age appropriate activities and two full�time Israel Guides and master Torah teachers will provide textured high level adult�oriented programming throughout the trip. If you've longed to travel to Israel for the first time or return again, this is the trip for you! Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley, CA is a passionate and diverse shul�community dedicated to bringing life to Torah and Torah to life. : The Conservative Movement Dreaming from Within is a grassroots online�community whose mission is to bring together dreamers from within the Conservative Movement and to give their dreams an audible voice. Rabbi Menachem Creditor is a reknowned teacher, speaker, musician and activist who serves as spiritual leader of Congregation Netivot Shalom and is the founder of Click here for a pdf of the itinerary (p. 1 &2), pricing (p. 3&4), and registration (p. 5&6) for this extraordinary trip! The trip coordinator is Keshet's Educational Director Danny Ehrlich. Please feel free to contact him with any questions at  Bruchim Haba'im! Welcome aboard!  (*early-bird pricing available until January 15, 2009!)