| Corrected Chametz Form & Seder Table-Toppings! | Corrected "Sale of Chametz" Form Yesterday's email contained incorrect information for the Chametz Form. Here is the correct information:
The 2010 CNS "Sale of Chametz" form is available online (click here: bit.ly/chametz) and in the shul office. It must be brought to the CNS office by Friday, March 26th. Seder Table Toppings!
Simplify your Seder with a Seder Table Toppings Package! The standard package includes enough consumable products for one large-size seder (approx 20 people) or two medium-size seders (10 people each). The deluxe package includes enough for 2 large seders (20 people each). Packages without perishable items can also be shipped. All packages will include some surprises inspired by our CNS preschool kids. An online order form will be available soon but please let us know if you are interested by emailing us at sedertabletoppings@gmail.com. Proceeds will support the CNS Preschool Scholarship Fund. All other CNS Pesach information can be found below. Please also visit shefanetwork.org/pesach for online melodies and resources for Pesach!
CNS is Holding 2 Seders this Year!
- Kids' and Parents' Seder March 30th, 5:30-7pm led by Janet Harris and Rabbi Creditor - Adults = 40-50$ (sliding scale) / Kids (12 and under) = $18
- Family maximum = $110
- no one turned away for lack of funds
- please sign up with Rachel at office@netivotshalom.org!
- Congregation Second Seder March 30th, 7pm led by Rabbi Bochner- Adults 40-50$ (sliding scale) / Kids (12 and under) $18
- Seniors and College Students: $36
- no one turned away for lack of funds
- please sign up with Rachel at office@netivotshalom.org!
CNS Pesach Guide 5770!
CNS Seder Matching! - Do you have room at your seder table for guests? OR Are you someone who would like an invitation to a seder? Please contact Robin Braverman at 925-979-1998 or email her at rivkah48@sbcglobal.net for seder-matching. The sooner we know who has room at a seder table and who would like an invitation, the easier it will be to match people up.
- If you are a family with small children and would like to be a guest at a seder, know that there are other families with small children that may be willing to host you. Also if you are a family with small children and would be willing to have other families with small children as part of your seder, please let us know. the sooner the better. Contact Robin Braverman at 925-979-1998 or rivkah48@sbcglobal.net.
Congregation Netivot Shalom | | | | | | |