
Apr 15, 2010

Rabbi Hanan Alexander talk on Sunday at 9:45 AM at CNS

CNS' V'Zot Yisrael


Rabbi Hanan Alexander

"Israel and its Critics: Toward a Mature Zionism"


Ø Israel as a Jewish and democratic state

Ø  The right of Israelis to define their culture and language while providing for the basic rights of all citizens  

Ø  Tensions between granting equal rights to Jews and minority populations  

Ø  Examine legitimate critiques of Israel and grapple with the complexities of Israeli society without challenging the right of Jews to national self-determination.  

April 18, 2010

9:45 AM - Noon at Netivot Shalom

1316 University Avenue, Berkeley

Refreshments will be available at 9:45. Free admission


Rabbi Hanan Alexander is currently the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. In Israel, he is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Haifa, heads the Center for Jewish Education, and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.  He also serves as Chair of the International Board of the Masorti Movement's Schecter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem.  Rabbi Alexander is a native of Berkeley.  He earned a Ph.D. at Stanford University and was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.  He was Vice President for Academic Affairs at American Jewish University (University of Judaism) before making Aliyah with his wife and three children