
Aug 26, 2010

Articles, Honors and Emmy Awards in our CNS Mishpacha!

Congregation Netivot Shalom
These past few weeks have seen a series of highly recognized articles, honors, and awards in our Netivot Shalom Mishpacha! 

Kol HaKavod to:
  • Jaron Lanier, for his provocative Op Ed in the New York Times, "The First Church of Robotics" (click here),
  • Rabbi Adam Naftalin-Kelman, upon being awarded the 2010 Richard M. Joel Exemplar of Excellence Award for his work as Executive Director of UC Berkeley Hillel (click here), and
  • Daniel Irwin, son of Charlene Stern and Michael Irwin, upon winning an Emmy for his work on HBO's 10-part World War II miniseries "The Pacific!" (click here)
May these accomplishments impact our world in healthy ways, and may we celebrate many smachot/celebrations in our community during the year to come!

Rabbi Creditor

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  ||  Bay Area Masorti  ||  || 
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