
Aug 4, 2010

Bay Area Masorti effort

Shalom Chevreh -  

Bay Area Masorti is a reality!  We have a board, a lead professional, a facebook group, an email list and a website (  And a seed gift - a gracious and anonymous donor just gave Bay Area Masorti a $1,000 matching gift towards our $5,000 annual goal!  We need the remaining $4,000, and soon - two big events (at least) are on the docket for this year, and our ability to make them happen is based on small gifts adding up to $4,000:

1) We're working on an event in the Fall with Yizhar Hess, the Executive Director of  the Masorti Movement in Israel.  Details to come.
2) We're also beginning work on cosponsoring an intriguing trip to Israel in the Summer of 2011, featuring a Bay Area personality who's begun focusing on his own personal Jewish journey.  I'll be leading this trip, which will be cosponsored by Netivot Shalom.  I'm hopeful that Bay Area Masorti can be part of shaping the journey.

If you have the ability to support Bay Area Masorti in any way, please send a check to CNS / 1316 University Ave, Berkeley, CA, 94702.  Checks should be made out to "Rabbi's Discretionary Fund" with "Bay Area Masorti" in the memo line.  All gifts are tax-deductible nand very appreciated.  Your gift is the only way we can make it happen.

Hamon todah chevreh - we're off!
Rabbi Creditor

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  ||  Bay Area Masorti  ||  || 
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