
Sep 7, 2010

3 news items and one ENORMOUSLY important OpEd, each pointing to the same thing (PLEASE READ 3)

Our goals for the coming year are clear.  3 news items and one ENORMOUSLY important OpEd, each pointing to the same thing (PLEASE READ ALL OF THESE): Jewishness of some 4,500 soldiers questioned by the Chief Rabbinate (  investigation against head of Kibbutz Movement's task force for calling on public to hide foreign workers' children ( and Police Recommend Pressing Charges Against Anat Hoffman while Rabinowitz Tightens his Grip on the Western Wall (  Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Eric Yoffie (Reform) and Rabbi Steven Wernick (Masorti) for their joint OpEd "Op-Ed: Israeli Chief Rabbinate is thwarting religious expression, democratic principles"

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  ||  Bay Area Masorti  ||  || 
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