
Oct 27, 2010

Pasture-raised Kosher Turkey with reduced shipping!

Order now! You can buy KOL Foods 100% grassfed, pastured, humanely raised and slaughtered, fair wage, organic, sustainable glatt kosher meat—and turkey in time for Thanksgiving! Whew! I feel so Berkeley! You are doing a mitzvah by supporting a company that is working to create a new food system that supports sustainable animal production, treats farmers and workers fairly, and improves the health of families and communities. And not only that--it tastes incredible, an amazing treat for the tastebuds. The deadline to order is November 10th at noon Eastern to receive reduced shipping rates ($45 for unlimited number of boxes). KOL foods is constantly updating their website with newly available meat so keep checking back for new opportunities—it can all be part of the same order, which will be delivered Monday November 22 to the Gerwein house (2238 Curtis St. in Berkeley), pickup from 5-9pm. For more details see:, for more info about the buying club delivery, see . For more info about the meat, email Devora at