
Dec 9, 2010

"Do Not Stand Idly By" - halfway there!

Dear Chevreh,

I am writing with a request that won't take much time, doesn't cost any money, and will make an enormous difference in many people's lives: 

Help us distribute Do Not Stand Idly By: A Jewish Community Pledge to Save Lives to your friends and family and encourage them to sign the pledge today. You can sign the Pledge here:

When Keshet started the pledge, it was an immediate, visceral response to the tragedy of young people seeking the ultimate escape from homophobic and transphobic bullying. The pledge came from a desire for a Jewish community voice to be heard; a voice that would unequivocally condemn the homophobia and transphobia that led these young people to take their own lives.

So often when something disastrous happens, our desire to help has no immediate and productive outlet. This time is different. Never before have Jewish community members made a public commitment against homophobia in such numbers. We're at over 9,200 signatories today – halfway to our goal of 18,000 by the end of the calendar year. But we will only reach our goal with your help.

This is our request. It's a simple one:

After you sign the pledge yourself, send a message about the Pledge to your friends and family, as an email, a tweet, or a facebook post. That's it! If this is something you can do, let Keshet know at or just reply to this email to let Gregg at Keshet know directly.  Sign the Pledge here:

If you wish, Keshet can provide you with a link specific to your institution that lets us track the response and share the results with you. This function was created initially in response to a request b BBYO youth leaders. The BBYO International Youth Presidents are sending a message to the entire 30,000 BBYO teen membership with a request to sign the pledge and BBYO CEO Matt Grossman is making the same request of all BBYO staff and advisors. Since then, other communities like Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in Manhattan have set a specific goal for the number of signatories they will gather. Your community can do the same, but you can also simply help get the word out.

Our community includes GLBT Jews, their family members, and friends. As we lit the last candles of Hanukkah last night, I hope you will join Keshet in bringing the light of inclusion, openness, and basic human dignity to our community.

Kol Tuv,

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  || Bay Area Masorti  || 
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  || 
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