
Jun 30, 2012

A Misheberach for Cathy Shadd Rosenfeld

A Misheberach for Cathy Shadd Rosenfeld
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Misheberach Avoteinu Avraham Yiztchak veYa'akov, ve'Imoteinu Sarah Rivkah, Rachel, veLeah – May the One who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless our friend, our teacher Cathy Shadd Rosenfeld, who has, through the passion of her heart, the devotion of her soul, and the skill of her pedagogy, brought so many of us closer to Torah.

Please, God, as Cathy continues to support our community, may she know a fraction of the holiness she has helped others achieve. Help the teachers who will follow her learn from that which she has built. 

Adonai, we pray that the many generations who have encountered Cathy's Torah-teaching become themselves Torah-transmitters, so that our community's children and grown-ups will continue to find safe spaces for their own Jewish growth.

We thank You, God, for the fruitful privilege of learning Torah. We thank You for the sweetness of our teachers. And we ask that our beloved friend, Cathy Shadd Rosenfeld - and her precious family - be blessed with health, love, and life, along with the many hundreds of people whose lives have been themselves blessed by her beautiful soul.
