
Jun 6, 2012

A Prayer for Direction

A Prayer for Direction
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Adonai, please teach me how I can heal both myself and those around me. 
Help me choose the path that I am to walk, and guide my footsteps so I will not stray. Show me where I am needed, for that is where I want to be.  Though I sometimes may desire to take the easiest route, help me to understand that boulders in the path can be part of my growth.

Though I may make mistakes, help me to accept criticism and correction, and turn me from temptation lest I stray from a holy path. 

Give me strength, Adonai.  Help me rediscover my health, happiness and life.   Protect me, Sustain me, and Help me feel both satisfied and full of healing power.
