
Jun 13, 2012

Wedding Kavannot for Chupah & Wine

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Wedding Kavannot for Chupah & Wine
(c) Rabbi Menachem Creditor

celebrating the marriage of Michael Tarle and April Oldenburg!

Jewish tradition offers the Chupah canopy as a symbol of the sky, the unlimited horizon we dream your home to be. The Chupah is open in every direction, reminding us that the home you build must be open to all people, to your family and friends, to the world. If the Chupah were built with walls, you could easily forget the world beyond your sacred relationship. But we are taught that a love worthy of celebration is one that cares beyond walls, a love that calls you to share that which you will discover together.

This cup of wine is a symbol of joy, an embodied experience of drinking in each other's presence, of connecting to the bounty of the land. By drinking this wine, you accept upon yourselves that the earth we inhabit requires cultivating, just as every relationship requires regular attention. You drink this wine as the first of many opportunities we bless you to share during your long, healthy, loving life together.