
Feb 4, 2013

from the Alameda County Community Food Bank: Volunteers Needed on Sunday, March 3



Dear Friend of the Food Bank,


Happy February!  As you may know, the last several months have been extremely busy at the Food Bank and in this ongoing time of need for so many of us in our community, we continue to be busy sorting and packaging  food items.  Often we receive inquiries about Sunday volunteer opportunities to help with this work and so we ask that you please pass on the following information to the members of your congregation:


·         On Sunday, March 3, we will be open for a morning shift and afternoon shift.  (Shifts will begin promptly at 9:00am and 1:00pm.)


Please direct interested congregants to register individually at  Sunday (March 3) Volunteering  making sure to put the name of your congregation in the field, "Company/Organization."  We encourage folks to register as soon as possible since weekend volunteer opportunities generally fill quickly.


We hope to see you and others from your congregation in March.


Your support of Alameda County Community Food Bank is greatly appreciated.


Charles J. Beyer
Volunteer Manager

Alameda County Community Food Bank
7900 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: (510) 635-3663 ext. 312