
Apr 16, 2013

Show the Jewish students at Berkeley they are NOT ALONE -- show up wednesday night at 7pm -- Check the Berkeley Hillel home page for the meeting location.

Make Your Voice Heard

Show the Jewish students they are NOT ALONE!

Please come Wednesday evening at 7pm to show your objection to the Cal Student Senate Bill calling upon UC Berkeley and the UC Regents to divest funds from Israel.

Check the Berkeley Hillel home page for the meeting location.

Four years ago the students faced this issue and the support by the Jewish community with their physical presence was amazing.  Although this is a student senate, community is welcome to attend and show their support. 
What you can do: 

More about the bill:
The resolution, authored by Student Action Senator George Kadifa, calls for the divestment of ASUC and UC assets from companies that provide support to Israel's military in Palestine or contribute to the building, maintenance or economic development of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories.
An opposing bill has been put forth by Student Action Senator and presidential candidate Rafi Lurie, which supports the two state solution and calls for the ASUC to instruct managers of its funds to "seek investment opportunities that strengthen Israeli-Palestinian cooperation" rather than divesting funds.
If you are interested in learning more about the bills and reading them, you can find them online as well as a few op-eds written in today's Daily Cal by a student and an open letter to the ASUC from many faculty. 

Thank you for your support,

Adam Naftalin-Kelman
Berkeley Hillel Executive Director