
Jan 12, 2017

#RaisingTorah Update!

From Rabbi Creditor: 
#RaisingTorah Update!
Tevet 13, 5777
January 12, 2017

Dear Chevreh,

What an amazing last week and a half it's been at Netivot Shlaom! 

Since the experience of the Torah falling two Shabbatot ago, we launched our three-pronged #RaisingTorah response: Learning Torah, Strengthening Torah, and Being Torah! Each response has been led by many members of our precious community, and some sweet surprises have also happened. I'm thrilled to share some of them here with you.

Learning Torah Update

(The following list is so full of energy, I got dizzy just compiling it!)

This past Shabbat featured a wonderful Introduction to Mussar by Marilyn Paul during Shabbat dinner. Rabbinic Intern Lisa Rappaport recorded a YouTube reflection on Pirkei AvotYossi Fendel authored a Facebook note teaching of Genesis 48:20, I recorded a Video reflection on last week's ParshaVaYigash, and Rabbi Michael Rothbaum recorded a Facebook Live teaching of Rabbi Isaac Klein, Esther, Nehemiah, the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, and Reverend Martin Luther King Jr! Two nights ago we learned with Glenn Massarano, and tonight we learn with Judy Massarano.  

Thanks to Rabbi Idit Solomon, our Torah learning during these 40 days is only getting going! She has arranged for a nightly 8pm "Lifting Up Torah" call! Each night, everyone is welcome to call in and learn Torah together for 10 minutes! The spreadsheet, listing the schedule of learning, can be found hereCall in info:  Call your Dial-In Number: (515) 739-1246  || Access Code: 521092.

(And, don't miss the chance to Learn  Megillah Trop with Rabbi Michael Rothbaum, Jan. 18, 2017, 6:30-9pm! This class is being offered in loving memory of Jonathan Bernbaum z"l.

This is what we mean to be, as an egalitarian participatory shul: Everyone is welcome to be a Torah teacher! Everyone is welcome to be a student of Torah!

Strengthening Torah Update

The CNS Ritual Committee will steward the effort being led by Scott Hanin and Laurel Bray-Hanin to mark the losses of Scott's mother and sister by supporting an effort to raise funds for a new Torah Scroll. We have begun collecting funding for this project, and welcome your participation! More on this soon. (If you'd like to learn more about this effort, please contact Amy in the shul office to schedule a meeting with me!)

And, an amazing surprise! When Sinai Memorial Chapel's executive director (our very own member) Sam Salkin learned of the Torah falling, he arranged for Sinai Memorial to loan us a Sefer Torah (the red one) while we continue our campaign to commission a new one! A huge Todah Rabbah to Sam and to Sinai Memorial!

Being Torah Update

Between last night's gathering of 70+ Bend the Arc and Netivot Shalom members to discuss political activism, tonight's meeting of he Jewish Muslim discussion group (at Pacifica Institute from 7-9p, 979 San Pablo Ave in Albany),  the Berkeley city-wide MLK Breakfast this coming Monday, and an amazing Year-in-Review message from CNS Social Action Chair Hilla Abel, it is clear that, as our shul's mission states, "we embrace Judaism's call to perfect the world."

Friends, look at the grandeur of our responses to and on behalf of Torah! Yes, many of these activities would have been our delight regardless of circumstance, but our embrace of Torah is serving well as a sacred, authentic, galvanizing framework, within which we are growing! We are learning, and strengthening, and being Torah: may this journey find us strong and safe and connected. We should be so very grateful for the gifts we are blessed to share.

With much love, 

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CNS Mission Statement

Netivot Shalom invites you to engage in a cross-generational discovery of Jewish inspiration and purpose.

Our community is defined by the values of:
  • Belonging - we believe, as a participatory egalitarian community, that every member has a voice.
  • Learning - we provide introductory and continuing encounters with Jewish wisdom.
  • Ritual - we strive to deepen personal engagement with the sacred.
  • Justice - we embrace Judaism's call to perfect the world.
Congregation Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702