
Jul 19, 2024

A Blessing for this Shabbat (Balak 5784/2024)

In the face of instability in the world, both in Israel and for the Jewish people globally, we hold onto Torah. This week's portion, Balak, features the mercenary prophet Balaam, who is hired to curse the Israelites. Yet, when he stands overlooking our people, he is compelled to bless us instead, saying, "How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places, Israel" (Numbers 24:5). This verse, traditionally recited upon entering a synagogue, reminds us to see the beauty of Jewish community, Jewish resilience, and Jewish spirit.

This is a reflection of who we are at our core. Despite unceasing adversity, we build homes with dignity and care, with respect and love. 30 years after the terrorist bombing of AMIA (Argentina's Jewish Community Center), the beauty of Jewish community is seen in our determination to live, love, and support one another. This resilience was epitomized yet again this week by the dedication of a new Torah by Jonathan and Rachel Goldberg-Polin, Hersh's loving parents, in a moving communal ceremony of faith and global Jewish unity and perseverance for the merit of the return of every hostage. We all, as their extended family, held onto Torah - and each other.
We live in a world that often feels unstable, but our spirits are unbroken. We are a people who choose life, who find joy in the midst of sorrow, and who support one another fiercely. Our traditions and community provide us with strength and resilience.
We are truly beautiful. Am Yisrael Chai!
Shabbat Shalom.