
Feb 17, 2009

MERCAZ USA Purim Appeal

MERCAZ USA -- The Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement


February 2009

Purim is Coming!

Shvat 5769

MERCAZ USA Joins With The American Zionist Movement In Its Purim Connection 2009

Bring a Smile to a Child's Face – Construct a Bridge to an IDF Soldier – Develop a Connection to Masorti Communities

Mercaz USA wishes you a Happy Purim 2009

A cease fire is in place and an uneasy quiet has enveloped Israel. Children in the south have returned to their schools, but the psychological impact of the rockets and terror remains. Soldiers have withdrawn from Gaza, but the order to return to the battlefield could be given at any time.

You can make your presence felt in Israel, where our people need you most. Give light, gladness, joy and honor to the Children and Soldiers from the Masorti Congregations in Israel's southern region, including:

  • the Neve Hanna Children's Village in Kiryat Gat,
  • Netzach Israel in Ashkelon,
  • Etz Haim in Ashdod, and
  • Eshel Avraham in Be'er Sheva.

Make your contribution to the AZM Purim Connection! Light up a child's face with a smile. Bring some light into their troubled world. Connect with the brave members of the IDF with a traditional Purim Mishloach Manot basket.

Please donate now: $18 for a schoolchild; $36 for an injured child; $54 for a soldier's basket; or $180 for an injured soldier. All donations are tax deductible.

Take a minute and click here to donate to the AZM Purim Connection 2009. You can also send a check to AZM: 633 Third Avenue, 21st floor, New York, NY 10017. Please note on the check that the funds are for the special MERCAZ-sponsored Purim campaign.

To help us bring Purim joy to the maximum number of children and soldiers, please respond before February 27, 2009.

For more information about the Masorti communities in Israel's southern region, go to and

In this time of increased joy, we also pray for the speedy, healthy return of our captive soldier Gilad Shalit. May the time that he is returned safely to his family and friends come speedily in our days!

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