
Feb 18, 2010

CJ: Voices of Conservative/Masorti Judaism: Spring/Pesach 5770

CJ: Voices of Conservative/Masorti Judaism
Spring/Pesach 5770



Women's League's CORY R. SCHNEIDER notes that it is important to look at our world in Seeing the Forest and the Trees

MARK BERLIN says I'm a Travelin' Man as he visits FJMC's clubs across North America

They were once Strangers on a Train but they have become RABBI STEVEN C. WERNICK'S new community on his commute to United Synagogue

RABBI NEIL GILLMAN reviews books that he finds personally moving and relevant


Why I Am a Conservative Jew
PATTY BERNSTEIN'S unusual road to Conservative Judaism was bashert, destined

KERUV: Conservative Judaism Begins to Welcome Outreach
JOANNE PALMER explores how the movement is helping interfaith families, as well as those born Jews who might not be comfortable with Jewish tradition, feel welcome in our synagogues and communities

Praying With Our Feet
RABBI ANDREW SACKS is outraged by recent events pitting Israel's ultra-Orthodox against the rest of the country's religious streams

Infinite Riches in a Little Room
Two men who have joined forces to introduce the world's Judaic treasures to anyone who has access to the internet share one of the Jewish Theological Seminary's rarest manuscripts with JOANNE PALMER

Adonai Has Dealt Bountifully With You
For RABBI MIRIYAM GLAZER, our Passover rituals are enhanced by the beauty and meaning of the psalms we recite

The Four Children
RABBI ROBERT DOBRUSIN wants us to reconsider some of the most familiar characters in the Passover haggadah

Women Speak: Time for a New Telling
LISA KOGEN reviews the relatively recent efforts to bring women into the Passover story

Kinfolks and Artichokes
A talented cook and award-winning film producer, ROBERT D. KANTER hunts down a recipe for a traditional Jewish delicacy while on a trip to find his family roots

It's Not the Sanctuary
RABBI RICHARD HAMMERMAN, also on a family roots tour, is prouder of the Masorti communities in Germany than he is of the buildings they inhabit

Holyland Hardball: You Can Go Home Again
RABBI CHARLES E. SAVENOR reviews a recent movie about the short-lived Israel Baseball League

The Candle That Made a Difference
The history of the yellow Yom Hashoah candles distributed by FJMC goes back to 1967, explains STAN GREENSPAN

Encumbered and Blessed
You will be moved and inspired by JACOB ARTSON, a young man with autism

J-ADD and Me
MICHAEL GOODMAN understands that people who are developmentally challenged really are just like the rest of us

Opening Wide the Doors
SANDY MILLER-JACOBS Ed.D., points out ways in which our communities can include students with learning issues

Sulam Li: An Inclusive Religious School
BONNIE RIVA RAS describes a much-needed program developed by seven Long Island congregations

How a Class Trip to Israel Makes a Real Difference
According to MASHIE KOPELOWITZ and AMY LEVINE, tikkun olam and a trip to Israel are all part of the curriculum of a New Jersey Solomon Schechter school where eighth graders participate in the Masorti movement's bar/bat mitzvah program for children with special needs in Israel

United Synagogue's 2009 International Biennial Convention

Jewish Divorce Through the Eyes of the First Messaderet Gittin
The first woman certified to prepare, write, and deliver a Jewish divorce document, RABBI CHANA THOMPSON SHOR, explores some of the complications that arise when modern sensibilities and traditional halachah seem to come into conflict

Mikvah of Possibility
For ILENE RUBENSTEIN there was only one way to feel whole after her divorce

From the Conservative Yeshiva: How Much is a Person Worth?
DR. JOSHUA KULP presents several answers to this question in Jewish tradition

When Praying Doesn't Resonate – Construct a Spiritual Language
RABBI CHARLES SIMON challenges readers to find spiritual life outside the synagogue

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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