
Apr 27, 2010

copycat divestment resolution at USSD - act now!

This a request (below) from the UCSD Jewish student body, is shared through the Israel on Campus Coalition.  A copycat divestment resolution—substantially identical to the one vetoed at Berkeley— was submitted to the ASUC at UC-San Diego. The vote is planned for Wednesday evening.  Sign the petition here: :

please spread this widely.

laylah tov,

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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It has come to our attention over the weekend that Students for Justice in Palestine intends to submit a copycat divestment resolution—substantially identical to the one vetoed at Berkeley—to the ASUC, or student government body, at UC-San Diego. The vote is planned for Wednesday evening.


The pro-Israel student group at UCSD, Tritons for Israel, is highly organized and has mobilized. Among other things, they have already created a Facebook page to rally pro-Israel students to voice opposition, and they have created a petition for students and community members to sign to urge the student senate to vote against divestment.


It is not yet clear what the receptivity of the UCSD student senate to the divestment resolution might be; anti-Israel resolutions failed to pass the ASUC-SD last year. The pro-Israel students at UCSD have invited members of the community to sign their petition, which is available through the hyperlink above or here:


While debates over symbolic divestment resolutions in U.S. university student governments should not dominate our efforts or dictate the agenda of the pro-Israel community, if there are appropriate resources or assistance that your organizations can provide, I invite you to contact your networks to provide reasoned and thoughtful support for UCSD's pro-Israel community.





Stephen Kuperberg

Executive Director

Israel on Campus Coalition

800 Eighth Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

202-449-6536 (phone)

202-449-6436 (fax)

Follow us on Twitter: @ICC_Natl