
Apr 12, 2010

URGENT: fighting anti-Semitism at Cal

Dear Chevreh,

I'm fighting anti-Semitism at Cal Berkeley.  I need your help.  To help me fight, please go to this website and spend just 30 seconds: (cut and paste into your browser).

On March 10, the UC Berkeley Student Senate voted to divest the Universityâ?Ts funds from Israel. The Senate resolution is inaccurate and unjust. The resolution is a thinly disguised attack on the legitimacy of Israel.  Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East with a robust Judiciary, the rule of law, women's rights, gay rights, and health care for all--Jews and non-Jews living in Israel. On March 24, the UC Berkeley President, vetoed the Student Senate resolution.

Now, the Student Senate is trying to override the President's veto. The vote is scheduled on Wednesday, April 14th.

Please urge the senators to uphold the veto and to make sure that similar resolutions do not pass in the future by clicking on this link:  If the email links on that page don't work, please use the text below my signature.

Todah Rabah,
Rabbi Creditor

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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Dear ASUC Senate Members,

I want to applaud UC Berkeley Student Body President, Will Smelko, for vetoing the Student Senate's resolution to divest University funds from Israel.  As elected representatives of the UC Berkeley community, I urge you to uphold the veto.

The Senate resolution was inaccurate and unjust.  Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz stated, "Divesting from Israel is immoral, bigoted and if done by a state university, illegal. It encourages terrorism and discourages peace." I strongly agree. Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East with a robust judiciary, the rule of law, women's rights, gay rights, and health care for all--Jews and non-Jews--who live in Israel.

Israel is a country under siege by terror.  Israel's contributions to the world continue to make an incredible impact on the international community (in the areas of science, technology, medicine and security - to name a few). Israel's medical technology, for example, has saved more lives per capita than any other country, including the lives of thousands of Muslims, Christians and Jews alike. This is just one example, among many, of Israel's significant contribution to the world.  Israel's advancements in the areas of science and medicine also contribute directly to the academic developments on the Berkeley campus.
Please consider the moral implications of your decision and vote to uphold President Smelko's veto.
Thank You