
Jul 6, 2010

Final Opportunity to Sponsor the CNS Torah Commentary!

July 22 is your final opportunity to sponsor the CNS Torah Commentary!

Netivot: Paths of Torah, CNS's  professionally- published book of over 60 edited drashot written by members of our community with accompanying artwork by our children is scheduled for release October 1st, Simchat Torah!  July 22nd is your final opportunity to sponsor a Parasha either anonymously or by name.  For a donation of $180 or more, you will receive a copy of the book.  For a donation of $18 or more, you may list a name in the book to be honored or remembered.  Checks can be made out to "Congregation Netivot Shalom" with "Torah Commentary" in the subject line.
Todah Rabbah to all who have worked countless hours to create this truly incredible book: Peter Strauss, Judith McCullough and Rabbi Menachem Creditor (editors); Lee Bearson (design); Ellen Gobler (layout); Claudia Valas (production management).  A very special thank you to Laura Callen and Jessica Login for spearheading the CNS Torah Commentary fundraising effort!