
Oct 7, 2010

Demand Red Cross access to Gilad Shalit. Now.

Demand Red Cross access to Gilad Shalit. Now.  

On 25th June 2006 Gilad Shalid was kidnapped by Palestinian armed forces and taken in to captivity in Hamas controlled Gaza.

For over 4 years repeated efforts by the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit, or even make contact with,
Gilad Shalit have been rebuffed.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), of which Magen David Adom is a part, acts in various ways to protect the victims of armed conflicts and, as a consequence, to work for the defense of human rights. It has been entrusted by the Geneva Conventions themselves with the task of contributing to and watching over their application;
this is does mainly by its visits to prisoners of war and civilian internees.

By signing this petition you will be contributing to a worldwide movement to ensure that pressure is placed on Hamas to provide this access and to keep the issue of Gilad Shalit in the focus of all those who can influence events in that region.

Please complete the petition below  

To Mr. Tony Blair
Office of the Quartet Representative (UK)

Dear Mr. Blair

I call on you to exert the maximum pressure at your disposal to ensure that immediate access be granted to the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit Gilad Shalit as is his basic human right under Article 126 of the 3rd Geneva Convention (1949).

First name
Last name
DOB (dd/mm/yyyy)
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51437 people have signed this petition

Q. What is Magen David Adom's role in this?

A. Magen David Adom is the International Committee of the Red Cross organisation in Israel. The Shalit issue is integral to Magen David Adom as it is: a) dedicated to saving more lives in Israel b) dedicated to the human rights of all individuals and the role the Red Cross plays in securing this Magen David Adom is supported by friends and support organisations around the world. Magen David Adom is using this support network to gain access to Gilad Shalit.

Q. What does Article 126 of the 3rd Geneva Convention state?

A. Representatives or delegates of the Protecting Powers shall have permission to go to all places where prisoners of war may be, particularly to places of internment, imprisonment and labour, and shall have access to all premises occupied by prisoners of war; they shall also be allowed to go to the places of departure, passage and arrival of prisoners who are being transferred. They shall be able to interview the prisoners, and in particular the prisoners' representatives, without witnesses, either personally or through an interpreter.

Representatives and delegates of the Protecting Powers shall have full liberty to select the places they wish to visit. The duration and frequency of these visits shall not be restricted. Visits may not be prohibited except for reasons of imperative military necessity, and then only as an exceptional and temporary measure.

The Detaining Power and the Power on which the said prisoners of war depend may agree, if necessary, that compatriots of these prisoners of war be permitted to participate in the visits.

The delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross shall enjoy the same prerogatives. The appointment of such delegates shall be submitted to the approval of the Power detaining the prisoners of war to be visited.

Q. Who should sign the petition?

A. Anyone who cares about even the most basic human rights.

Q. Who will the petition be presented to?

A. A copy of the petition will be presented to all politicians, dignitaries and ambassadors who are involved with the situation in the Middle East.

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  ||  Bay Area Masorti  ||  || 
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