
Nov 19, 2010

Gamliel Institute - Chevra Kadisha class starts 1-11-11

The Gamliel Institute of Kavod v'Nichum is proud to announce that applications for admission and class registration are now being accepted for its second cohort of students. The twelve week class "Chevra Kadisha - The Holy Society", taught by Rabbi Stuart Kelman and David Zinner, begins January 11, 2011.

The Gamliel Institute educates and trains para-professionals and professionals to take leadership roles in creating a holistic "continuum of care" for their local Jewish community. The Institute's curricula covers life's spectrum of illness and comfort, death, funerals, burial and mourning. Based on over 2,000 years of texts and traditions, the program is a unique blend of Jewish communal obligation, care for the poor and elderly, consumer protection, Jewish continuity, and spiritual inspiration.

The Institute brings together diverse disciplines, including community organizing, consumer advocacy, bikkur cholim, chaplaincy and rabbinics, thanatology, hospice care, grief therapy, funeral direction, cemetery management, and legacy planning and preparation. Classes are held in an environment that acknowledges the contributions of all the streams of Judaism, from Renewal to Chabad, and incorporates them into a unique, comprehensive training program.

The Institute offers both a certificate program and individual courses including Chevra Kadisha - The Holy Society; Tahara and Shmira (ritual washing and guarding); Strategies for Communal Education and Training; Funeral Homes and Cemeteries; Nechama (comfort); and Traditional Jewish Practices around Death. 

For more information, please visit our
web site at and click on the Gamliel Institute link.

Check out the new CNS Blogs: Shorashim Hebrew School // CNS Preschool // Edah

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  || 
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