
Nov 3, 2010

New Class beginning this week! -- Roots and branches of Zionism: A journey through pre-Zionism and Zionism to 1948

The History of Zionism and Israeli Politics Today
Roots and branches of Zionism:  A journey through pre-Zionism and Zionism to 1948
Instructor:  Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Bay Area Masorti Visiting Scholar

a five session course on Tuesdays @ CNS, November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7  at 7:30-9:00 p.m.   
Cost is $45-65 for CNS members [no one turned away for lack of funds] non-members $75 Register through Rachel,

Learn what feeds  passions and divisions within Israel today by understanding Zionism's roots and the journey it took from its beginning to today.  In this series we will explore a spectrum of views on the role of the land of Israel for the Jewish people and the Jewish state, ranging from those of religious thinkers such as Rashi, Nahmanides and Rosenzweig to the Zionist voices of Herzl, Achad Ha'am, David Ben Gurion, Rav Kook, Zhabotinski and others.  We will consider the relationship between Zionism and European ideologies,   Zionism in Islamic countries, and key historical events that took place between 1897 and 1948.

Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch was born and raised in an Ashkenazi Orthodox family in Jerusalem and has become a leading  Israeli-born  Masorti rabbi in Israel.  He has a BA in Jewish History and Philosophy from the Open University, an M.A. in Talmud and Halacha, and smicha from the Schechter Institute, Jerusalem.  He was a pulpit rabbi for the Masorti  movement  in Jerusalem and worked in a wide variety of non-profit and educational institutions in Israel. He is currently a visiting Masorti scholar from Israel to the Bay Area for the year. 

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  || 
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