
Jan 14, 2011

Rabbi Chuck Simon: "The Status of Jewish Men in the Conservative/Masorti Movement"

FJMC LogoFederation of Jewish Men's Clubs

Rabbi Charles Simon, Executive Director

Dear Colleague


I have just completed a paper focusing on the Status of Jewish Men in the Conservative/Masorti Movement. In it I address the need to correct the current gender imbalance that we are experiencing in our synagogues. Len Saxe at the Cohen Center at Brandeis, estimates that 70% of the volunteers in our communities are women. Current research indicates that high school boys and college men are significantly less involved in synagogues and in Jewish living than their feminine counterparts. The implications of this trend are staggering and have a direct correlation to intermarriage statistics. The time has come for us to place the issue of male volunteerism on our Movement's agenda. Volunteerism is our most important commodity.


I encourage you to read the paper, take it seriously and do something. Your comments and suggestions, if they are not grammatical, are welcome.



The paper can download by clicking this link.



My best as always 

Rabbi Charles Simon

Author of "Building a Successful Volunteer Culture"

Jewish Lights Publishing


Rabbi Menachem Creditor
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