
Jan 4, 2011

Transliterated Siddur Committee

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An Invitation to
Join the Transliterated Siddur Committee!

-CNS Calendar

-Click here to learn about Nedivut (generosity), our CNS Middah of the Month!
Dear Friends and Loved ones,

Got some free time on your hands? Looking for a worthy mitzvah project? 

We're looking for people to help us with our plan to transliterate, translate and lay out a new siddur that is more accessible and user-friendly for all. We have a good start, and our very own teacher and CNS member Uri Alter has graciously given permission for us to use his beautiful translations as a start on the English. We hope to make it more navigable and less conspicious than those big white binders, but we need your help! We need all skill levels, from expert Hebrew speakers to those who are new to the siddur, as well as a few folks who might be familiar with book publishing and EPS files.

We plan to meet Wed 1/12/11 from 7-9 PM in the shul library and we'd love to see you there. If you have any questions, or if you want to attend (a headcount will be useful), could you please contact us at

Your Beloved Siddur Steering Committee:
Shifra and Stephen Pride Raffel, and Shoshana Anderson