
Feb 2, 2011

MBFJL #3: "A World Thick with Meaning"

Shalom Chevreh - 

To those who have already joined the first two conversations Josh Kornbluth and I have shared, experiences that have truly overwhelmed both of us, thank you.  If you haven't joined the journey and are curious, please join us this Monday night at 7:30 at shul!  Josh's note, including the recommended readings, is below.  

This is already more than we could have asked for, and I am personally moved to be sharing this deep and profound learning experience with my dear friend Josh, and with you all.

Kol Tuv,
Rabbi Creditor

ps. If you'd like to learn about the Israel trip Josh and I are leading this summer, click here for the ad that will appear in the J this week and email for a tentative itinerary!

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  || Bay Area Masorti  || 
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  || 
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josh Kornbluth
Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:40 AM
Subject: * MBFJL #3: "A World Thick with Meaning"

Hello Again, My Dear Fellow Students:
Our next session will be this coming Monday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Ave. in Berkeley.
Our book reading is Tree of Souls by Howard Schwartz, an almost impossibly rich compendium of Jewish mythology, both written and oral.  This tome is not only "thick with meaning," in the words of the fascinating foreword, but also quite thick with pages!  Fortunately, Rabbi Creditor has suggested particular passages for our study this week:
  1. from "Myth and Ritual in Judaism" (page lxviii) through the end of the introduction (page lxxvii);
  2. from "Myths of the Holy Word," myths 322-347 (pages 258-274);
  3. from "Myths of the Holy Time," myths 390-413 (pages 306-321);
  4. from "Myths of the Holy Land," myths 522-525 (pages 406-411); and
  5. from "Myths of the Messiah," myths 641-650 (pages 506-511).
I am having a marvelous (albeit challenging and confusing) time sharing this course with you and Rabbi Creditor!  Thank you so much for your participation!
Take care,