
Feb 22, 2011

Save the date! Yizhar Hess, CEO of the Masorti Movement in Israel visits CNS!

Save the date!  Congregation Netivot Shalom is excited to share the news of a unique opportunity.  

Yizhar Hess, CEO of the Masorti Movement in Israel is visiting the Bay Area, and Congregation Netivot Shalom is blessed to be hosting him at a Friday Night Shabbat dinner on April 1.  

The event will start with davening at 6:30 pm followed by dinner and a talk by Yizhar, entitled:

"Israeli Jewish Pluralism: What isn't being done yet / What we must do!"


15$ per adult , 10$ per child 12 and under (max $50 per family)

Please RSVP to

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Congregation Netivot Shalom  || Bay Area Masorti  || 
Rabbis for Women of the Wall  || 
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