
Apr 12, 2011

VIRTUAL BET MIDRASH - Study Groups in the climate of Masorti (Conservative) Judaism

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From: Andrew Sacks <>
Date: Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:42 AM
Subject: Virtual Bet Midrash
Sent on behalf of Rabbi Simchah Roth.


of the Rabbinical Assembly in Israel
Study Groups in the climate of Masorti (Conservative) Judaism

After Pesach we have two new ventures scheduled.

We shall be starting a new tractate in the Mishnah Study Group, Tractate Sukkah. (This tractate, the thirteenth since the inception of the study group, was chosen by the votes of the participants.) These shiurim will be available in both Hebrew and English. If you, or anyone in your congregation, would like to join this study group please send an email to,il indicating which language you would prefer (and that you want to study Tractate Sukkah).

Another new venture will be the study of the Yerushalmi, again in both English and Hebrew. If you, or anyone you know, would like to join this study group please send an email to indicating your language preference (and that you want to study the Yerushalmi).

Rabbi Simchah Roth

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
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