
Nov 18, 2011

A New Viral YouTube: "Try To Imagine A Jew"

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the masorti (conservative) movement in israel - promoting religious pluralism and building community through inclusive, traditional, egalitarian Judaism
Getting the message out takes multiple shapes and forms.
The Hebrew only version of the YouTube video at the link below was posted just a couple of days ago by Masorti in Israel and already has about 5,000 hits.
Take a look at this version with English subtitles. It may not be the most profound text ever written, but it does get a message across.
If you share belief in the critical importance of pluralism in Israel, please help support the Masorti Foundation.
David H. Lissy
Executive Director and
Chief Executive Officer
To learn more, please contact:
Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 832
New York, NY 10115-0068
(212) 870-2216; 1-877-287-7414;