
Jan 5, 2012

Chancellor Eisen's New Blog Posts: On His "Father's Yortseyt" and "Coming Closer to Israel"

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Dear JTS Community,

This week, I have added two blog posts to On My Mind: Arnie Eisen: "On My Father's Yortseyt" and "Coming Closer to Israel." 

In the first, I recall the numerous ways in which I have been shaped by my father, Alan Eisen (z"l)—who loved being a Jew and whose third yortseyt I observe this month. It is personal and filled with significant memories and lessons.

My second post is a response to readers' comments on my last blog of 2011, "Distancing From Israel," and looks further into addressing Israeli/American relations. It takes into consideration other distancing factors—in addition to negative extremist acts and biased media coverage—as suggested by members of the community.

I encourage you to share your thoughts as well at


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Arnold M. Eisen
The Jewish Theological Seminary

P.S. You can also follow me on Twitter @ArnoldEisen

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