
May 10, 2012

Our Shul's Sacred Role in the New "Equality Guide"

A Note from Rabbi Creditor
Our Sacred Role in the New "Equality Guide"
Lag Ba'Omer!
18 Iyyar, 5772 - May 10, 2012


Dear Chevreh,

CNS was already an affiliated shul with Keshet (a national grassroots organization that works for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews in Jewish life). I had, while still in Boston, helped found a group called Keshet-Rabbis, created to give voice to LGBT friendly Conservative/Masorti rabbis and advocate for change in theShorashim Class with Torah Conservative Movement, culminating with (but not completed by) the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards opening the door to GLBT ordination, first at the Ziegler School in Los Angeles, then at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, and most recently at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem. 

I'm gratified that, along with my friend, Keshet executive director Idit Klein, we've now taken the next step, leveraging the voices of those Conservative rabbis who signed on to the original coalition to strengthen a larger new framework organized by Keshet, called "The Equality Guide". The official announcement can be accessed by clicking on the following link, and I'm especially proud that we, as a community whose work on inclusion far predated my arrival, are part of this powerful Jewish movement to transform the world.
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