
Jun 18, 2012

Upcoming Events @CNS!

Upcoming CNS Events!
CNS Geniza-thon!
 We have a Geniza at shul, a hidden holding-place for documents inscribed with God's Name. If you yourselves have any holy Jewish items requiring burial, please bring them to shul office by Tuesday Morning. Learn more here!
(July 24th & 25th)
with Rabbi Creditor
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This Wednesday at 7:15am! 
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Minyan!
With the month of Tammuz, we begin the period of consolation and reflection that culminates in the following month's observance of Tisha b'Av. With the fast of Tzom Tammuz, which falls this year on July 8th, we remember Nebuchadnezzar's breaching of the walls of Jerusalem, one of the events that led to the destruction of the First Temple. Please join us for this Rosh Chodesh observance and help to make a minyan, so that the Torah can be read.
the CNS Children's Book Drive! 
The Richmond Kaiser Pediatric Clinic where CNS member Susan Lawrence works offers used 
children's books in the waiting room, for entertainment while waiting-- but more importantly to give the message of valuing reading. Kids are encouraged to take a book home if they like it. While some Richmond families are affluent and literate, most are far from being so fortunate. This Mitzvah-effort gives them books to read at home as well. Recently the community member who had been collecting books moved, so there are no more used books in the waiting room. We are asking CNS members to donate books that their children are done with. Please bring your gently-used or new children's books to shul!