
Sep 24, 2012

You're invited to Israel this summer!

Netivot Shalom

I'm writing to invite you to join the Israel trip I'm leading this summer! It is just impossible to describe how inspiring an Israel trip can be. Having led 4 trips to Israel over the past 8 years, I can tell you: every trip brings new incredible insights, new hidden mysteries, and leaves participants wanting more - me included!  This Summer's trip, organized by the Israeli tour operator Da'at, will include a Youth educator, so that in more adult-moments, children can have a developmentally appropriate educational experience Israel while the lead educator is guiding the adults. 

A trip to Israel isn't only a chance to visit tourist spots - it's a chance to rediscover yourself, to feel life's questions most deeply as a human being. Click the graphic (or here) for a wonderful online flip-book describing the trip. I can't wait to share this journey with you!

Shannah Tovah,
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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