
Oct 30, 2012

Preschool Social Justice & Youth Community Visioning!

And the Youth Shall See Visions.... Netivot Shalom!
For our Fall Tzedakah Project, Netivot Shalom Preschool is partnering 
with the Women's Daytime Drop-in Center (WDDC) on Acton Street here in Berkeley. 

This program empowers women and children to move from the streets to a home by providing ongoing and intensive counseling, case management services, daily support groups, a comprehensive children's program, a variety of referral services, and a transitional housing program for four single parent families.
We have planned this project to coincide with Vayera, the birth of Issac, which we will read on November 3. This week and next we will be collecting diapers, Pullups, pacifiers, bottles, wipes, formula and baby food from our preschool families and the Netivot Shalom Community. Securing these basic necessities for their children is but one step in helping these mothers move forward.


Your donations can be dropped off in the large decorated box in the foyer.   
Lauren Kindorf

Thank you for your support in this very worthwhile project!

Lauren Kindorf
Preschool Director
You're invited!
Tuesday, Nov. 6
The CNS Youth Taskforce invites CNS members to share their visions for the future of the CNS Youth Community! Come and share your hopes and dreams!
RSVP to Rachel at
and don't miss the
CNS "Almost Channukah" Fair!
Dec. 2, 11am
stay tuned for more info!