
Dec 9, 2012

Faith Unravels: A Rabbi’s Struggle with Grief and God with Daniel Greyber @CNS Dec. 20

Faith Unravels: A Rabbi’s Struggle with Grief and God
Featuring author Rabbi Daniel Greyber
Netivot Shalom, Berkeley
Dec. 20th, 7:30PM

Every year, thousands of young people die, leaving in their wake circles of grieving friends in need of support. Many look to how clergy understand loss but few religious traditions have a defined mourning process—or even a role in mourning—for non-family members. Faith Unravels speaks to the profound pain experienced by a forgotten mourner, not by making an argument about God or by offering a recipe of rituals, but by sharing a profound story of faith lost and regained anew.

Daniel Greyber is rabbi of Beth El Synagogue in Durham, North Carolina and will serve as USA Team Rabbi at the 2013 World Maccabiah Games in Israel. Formally a nationally ranked competitive swimmer and faculty member at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, he currently serves on the editorial board of Conservative Judaism, and his articles have been featured in a wide range of Jewish periodicals.

From Mayim Bialik’s foreword to Faith Unravels:
Rabbi Greyber has done something magnificent with the book you are holding in your hands. He has shared of himself, revealed in the most intimate way where loss can take you, and where it can't. He has allowed us a peek inside a world of religious observance, beauty, and joy, and in doing so has laid bare the profundity of Judaism. This book is not preachy or full of instructions. It's a personal testament of love for the Jewish people, God, and those friends he loved and lost.