
Jan 22, 2013

JCCPA: Next Up in the Campaign to End Gun Violence

 Gun Violence

Inauguration 2013
Elections in Israel
What's next in the campaign to end gun violence?
Last week was a momentous week in the campaign to end gun violence. President Obama announced a package of 23 executive actions and a series of legislative proposals that he is asking Congress to act on. Together these measures, which include universal background checks and bans on certain types of weapons and attachments would limit the quantity and lethality of guns in our country as well as keep them out of the wrong hands.

The JCPA welcomed this announcement and praised the proposals for reflecting the comprehensive approach called for in the JCPA's petition at,, which has garnered more than 16,000 signatures.

So what comes next?

Last Saturday was Gun Appreciation Day around the country. The JCPA is asking that you help us show appreciation for an end to gun violence instead. Share the petition and encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to "like" our Facebook page. Congress's work has just begun, so it is more important than ever to demonstrate national resolve for action.

To that end, the JCPA also encourages you to take part in the February 4th Faiths Calling call-in day to Congress. Sponsored by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, this project is a way of showing the faith community's unity and commitment to preventing gun violence.

Inauguration Day
Geri Palast with Vice President Biden.
On Monday afternoon, Barack Obama was inaugurated for his second term as our country's 44th president, and the JCPA was there to commemorate the occasion. The public swearing-in was held on the steps of the Capitol before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people who viewed the ceremony from the National Mall. The President used his address to demonstrate his commitment to priorities like reforming the U.S. immigration system, ensuring that every American has access to high-quality education and other pathways to prosperity, alleviating the scourge of poverty and discrimination, and embracing civility in our public discourse. President Obama placed his vision for his next term and in the context of our founding ideals in Declaration of Independence through the civil war and onto our country's struggle to expand civil rights and equality.  Throughout the weekend, JCPA leaders continued our conversations with key policymakers in our effort to build effective coalitions to pursue justice. JCPA's Washington Director Jared Feldman and Israel Action Network Managing Director Geri Palast met with Vice President Biden, outgoing Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Nepolitano and key members of Congress.
Israeli Elections
Just one day after President Obama was sworn into office, Israelis went to the polls today, reportedly in high numbers, to cast votes in a national election. While the U.S. and Israeli political systems are quite different, the two countries are bound together by a firm commitment of both societies to freedom for their citizens. Shared democratic values -- along with common strategic interests -- underpin an unbreakable partnership between these two friends and allies. The JCPA looks forward to working with the next government in advancing the goal of peace and security for Israel's citizens.   
January 22, 2013
in the news
Jewish Support for Gun Proposal: Jewish groups responded positively last week to President Obama's new proposals to curb gun violence. 
Interfaith Alliance on Guns: Last week, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence sent a letter to Congress, signed by 47 faith leaders including JCPA President Rabbi Steve Gutow, calling for action to end gun violence. 
Ending the Culture of Violence: In an interview with the Washington Jewish Week, JCPA Washington Director Jared Feldman discussed the JCPA's comprehensive approach, including access to guns and violence in our culture. 
happening now
Plenum 2013 in DC: SAVE THE DATE! JCPA's 2013 Plenum is back in DC this year, March 9-12. Register today for special rates for this unique annual gathering of Jewish community leaders.    
The Kibbutz Experiment: A new movie, "Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment" offers an emotional look at Israel's kibbutz movement and their future in a capitalist reality. 
Remember the Fiscal Cliff?: After the recent resolution to the fiscal cliff, another series of fiscal showdowns lay ahead for programs vital to women and their families. Learn more next Monday at 1:30 pm. 
Ammo Bill Introduced in Senate: Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) introduced legislation Tuesday that would make it illegal to manufacture or sell a magazine that contains more than 10 rounds. 
about us

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) is the united voice of the organized Jewish community.

For more than sixty years, the JCPA has identified issues, formulated policy, developed strategies and programs, and given expression to a strongly united Jewish communal voice. JCPA's has an unparalleled capacity to mobilize grassroots activism, through our network of 14 national and 125 local member agencies. The JCPA serves as a catalyst that heightens community awareness, encourages civic and social involvement, and deliberates key issues of importance to the Jewish community.

To learn more about the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, please visit our Annual Report.

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