
Feb 4, 2013

Fwd from @RabbiAssembly: Faiths Calling: Call Congress Today to Prevent Gun Violence #ifnotnowwhen


Faiths Calling

February 2012 - Sh'vat 5773

Dear Colleagues,


Today, leaders from a diversity of faiths are calling their senators and representatives and asking them to support legislation that curbs gun violence. Be part of the call: insist that congress acts to prevent gun violence. Tell them that it's time to turn our shared grief into collective action.


Call Congress Today | Press Release 


Feel free to share the blurb below with leaders in your community: 


Faiths Calling


Call your Senators and insist that they act to prevent gun violence. Ensure that the voices of faithful Americans ring throughout the halls of Congress. We know that among millions of you in the faith community there are differences in viewpoint and we ask you to convey whichever policies with which you are comfortable.  


The major components of legislation that Congress is considering are listed below. When you call your Senators, let them know that you are calling as a member of the faith community, and emphasize those of the policies which you support. 


- Require universal background checks for all gun purchases 

- Ban semi-automatic assault weapons and high-capacity magazines 

- Make gun trafficking a federal crime 

- Improve access to mental health services


Tell them that gun violence prevention laws work.

Call Congress Today