
Mar 10, 2013

A Note from Rabbi Creditor: "The Power of Participating!"

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A Note from Rabbi Creditor:
The Power of Participating!

28 Adar, 5773 // March 10, 2013

Dear Chevreh,


There are countless ways members of Netivot Shalom participate in our life as a Jewish sacred community in service of the world. Consider the following 10 life-cycles, programs, and efforts, selected from the amazing array of moments which occurred within our community during the last two weeks:

  1. The Board Authorized the CNS Youth Task Force's Recommendation to search for our new Director of Youth Community and Connection.
  2. The CNS Gala (May 12) was launched!
  3. Registration began for the 5th CNS Retreat (May 24)! 
  4. Five CNS members traveled to Washington DC to participate in the AIPAC Policy Conference!
  5. Many members of Netivot Shalom collaborated to create a nationally-distributed "Modern Slavery Hagaddah Insert."
  6. We celebrated the aufruf and wedding of our teacher, Rabbi Shalom Bochner and Shoshannah Anderson Bochner!
  7. We gathered as a community to mark the loss of our friend and on of the founders of Netivot Shalom, George Gidal z"l.
  8. CNS welcomed over 300 people for Purim, and raised over $1,200 through the Carnival to support CNS and JYCA!
  9. Through regular classes and a special learning series with Rabbi Jonathan Omerman, over 200 adults have learned Torah at Netivot Shalom!
  10. Representatives of Netivot Shalom volunteered at the Alameda County Community Food Bank and the Dorothy Day Shelter.
Chevreh, professional staff work hard to support the vision of Netivot Shalom, but without the over 80 members of Netivot Shalom who led these 10 activities (and many others, including shiva minyanim, board meetings, kiddush prep, Shabbat greeters and important fix-it jobs around the shul), we would simply not be the amazing community we continue to be. 
As we continue to grow in numbers, it will require all of our collective energy to remain the participatory shul we've always prided ourselves being. Here are two ways you can help right now:
  1. Each Shabbat Morning 18 members lead davening at Netivot Shalom. If you haven't yet led a service or read Torah, please consider doing so! We're proud to help you learn how! Please contact Claire Sherman, Ritual Committee Chair to jump in!
  2. We have made enormous progress toward our Capital Campaign's goal of positioning us to refinance our shul's unsustainable mortgage. If you can help in this effort, please do! Every member is part of the future of Netivot Shalom. When we call, please give with all your heart to sustain our community's life!
These two weeks have been fast-paced and beautiful, even in the hard moments we've shared. In moments of loss, the Mitzvah of comforting mourners is a powerful reminder that we are never alone. When we celebrate an engagement (like Josh Diamant and Alexandra Faye Nurik's this morning!) and a baby naming (like Shilo Abarnanel's yesterday) and Bnot Mitzvah (like Penelope's two weeks ago and Ma'ayan's yesterday) and a 30th anniversary of becoming a Jew (like David Mostardi's), we know that the dreams of our community are being realized every day. 
Every single day. 

The dream of Netivot Shalom is growing and deepening, thanks to the participation of the gracious hearts of countless members. Please know: you are needed, and CNS is stronger for your being part the family.


May the journey toward Pesach find us healthy, safe, and supported!


Kol Tuv,



Rabbi Creditor