
Apr 28, 2013

Upcoming Adult Jewish Learning Opportunities!

Scholar-in-Residence: Marsha Bryan Edelman, May 3-4 Well-known scholar of Jewish music Marsha Bryan Edelman will be performing and teaching as Scholar-in-Residence at Netivot Shalom during Shabbat, May 3-4.  Erev Shabbat, May 3: Please join us for Shabbat dinner, discussion, and singing! Following dinner, Dr. Edelman will perform with a choir organized from the Netivot Shalom community. Cost for dinner is $12/adult and $5/child. RSVP to and either pay online at and use the "Make a Donation" tab and enter "Marsha Edelman dinner" in the description field; or send a check to Congregation Netivot Shalom and write "Marsha Edelman dinner" on the memo line. Shabbat, May 4: Dr. Edelman will deliver the drash, lead us in a special musical musaf, and present the after-Birkat haMazon learning! The after-Birkat program (following the Kiddush) will include a teaching and a performance, again with the Netivot-formed choir. Please join us for what promises to be a richly musical and educational Shabbat! This Scholar-in-Residence Program is funded in part by the Kelman Liturgy Fund.

"The Jewish Origins of Christianity; or how A Rabbinic 'Scholar' Sees the World Differently," with Rabbi Harry A. Manhoff, PhD. - Mondays, May 6, 13, and 20, at CNS Rabbi Manhoff will lead a 3-part teaching on the Jewish origins of Christianity. Topics include "Jesus and His Jewish Neighbors, or Why the Pharisees Were Not the Rabbis!"; the Hebrew and Aramaic composition of the Synoptic Gospels; and the Halakhah of Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul). Tuition: $30.  To register, please email No one turned away for lack of funds. No one turned away for lack of funds.


"The Development of 'Secular' Judaism in Israel":  Origins and Expressions with Muki Tzur, After-Birkat haMazon Learning, Shabbat, May 11 -  Muki Tzur was born in Jerusalem. He holds a degree in Philosophy and Kabbalah from the Hebrew University. He is a prolific writer and is also a lecturer at Jordan Valley College. Muki is one of the founders of Kibbutz Ein Gev, he served as editor of Shdemot, a literary digest of the Kibbutz Movement, and he also served as Secretary General of the United Kibbutz Movement. Muki is a senior educator at BINA a "Secular Yeshiva" in Tel Aviv. (In Israel, the term "secular" includes those who are Jewishly observant but not Orthodox.)


Author book talk and signing: Marty Brounstein, Two Among the Righteous Few: A Story of Courage in the Holocaust, Sunday, May 19, 10:3 0am - San Francisco Bay Area author Marty Brounstein will talk about his book Two Among the Righteous Few:  A Story of Courage in the Holocaust.  This is a remarkable true story of interfaith compassion, courage, and rescue, involving a Christian couple in the Netherlands who saved the lives of at least two dozen Jews during World War II and the Holocaust. The story also has a meaningful personal connection to the author, which he will share with us. Book signing follows the presentation. Free and open to all. Morning minyan, 9:30am, and light refreshments will precede this event. 

SINGING COMMUNITIES INTENSIVE - June 17-20, 2013 at CNS (co-sponsored by Lehrhaus Judaica, Netivot Shalom and Kevah). What is the intersection between music, spirituality and prayer? Join Joey Weisenberg and Rabbi Dorothy Richman for a four-day interactive exploration of Nusach (prayer chants), Nigunim (melodies), and classical Jewish-Musical texts.   Joey is an energetic and inspiring Baal Tefilah and musician.  For more information, and to register: .  For questions, group rates and scholarships, contact

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

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