
Apr 17, 2013

URGENT Re: Manchin-Toomey - here's who you call & tweet right now!

Facebook Fans and friends We need to start tweeting to these Senators right now. We have between now and 4:00pm before they vote: 

Tell Sen @KellyAyotte to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022243324
Tell Sen @MaxBaucus to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022242651
Tell @SenatorBegich to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022243004
Tell @SenDonnelly to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022244814
Tell @SenatorHeitkamp to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022242043
Tell @SenDeanHeller to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022246244
Tell @SenLandrieu to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022245824
Tell @SenJohnMcCain to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022242235
Tell @SenMarkPryor to support #backgroundchecks and Manchin-Toomey TODAY! #2022242353