
May 3, 2013

Special Announcement! Presenting our new DYCC, Molly Shapiro!

Upcoming Events!
Our Torahs Are Being Inspected!
Sofer Zerach Greenfield  (a sofer/soferet is one who writes and repairs sefrei torah, t'fillin, and mezuzot) will conduct a complete  inspection of our sifrei torah on Tuesday evening, May 7, at 7PM, to determine repairs that may be needed. We know that one torah needs extensive repairs and is currently pasul (not kosher for use). While  there is no formal educational  program planned, anyone in the congregation who would like to attend  may join members of the ritual committee to learn, by observation, how  the process is done. 
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The Netivot Shalom Youth Committee

is thrilled to announce the hiring of our new Director of Youth Community and Connection (DYCC),

Molly Shapiro

Molly Shapiro!


Molly brings to Netivot Shalom a deep love of Judaism and a wealth of experience and enthusiasm for working with youth and people of all ages! Molly grew up surrounded by the richness of her Conservative Shul, Congregation B'nai Israel, Tustin, CA. That experience has inspired her to share her enthusiasm and love of Jewish knowledge and learning throughout her life.


Molly is graduating from Mills College with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Music.  Some of us have already spent time with Molly during her visit a few Shabbatots ago and this past Tuesday when she came to visit with and teach Amitim, integrating into the class with humor and wisdom!

We couldn't be more excited! The CNS Board and the entire hiring team (Miriam Priven, Levi Myers, Meghan Starkey, Lisa Miller, Nina Price, and Robin Mencher) passionately supported this journey for our community, giving of their time and expertise. Todah Rabbah!

We look forward to introducing our whole Netivot Shalom community to Molly more formally when she starts her position in mid-July.  

Mazal Tov to Netivot Shalom!  Mazal Tov to Molly!


Shabbat Shalom,
Lara Hornbeck and Serena Heaslip
CNS Youth Committee co-Chairs

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