
Aug 15, 2013

Fwd: Todah Rabbah to CNS Rabbinic Intern Josh Buchin!

Todah Rabbah to CNS Rabbinic Intern Josh Buchin!
Ellul 9, 5773
Aug. 15, 2013
Dear Chevreh,
Todah Rabbah to our Rabbinic Intern, Josh Buchin, for blessing us this summer with his warm, wise, loving presence!
Josh has taught us, led us, comforted us, and has shared his rabbinic journey with a community lucky enough to have been his home for many years leading to this moment. Our community has taken a wonderful step forward this summer as we grow together. Among the many aspects Josh's presence at Netivot Shalom is the clear message that we cherish being part part of each other's Jewish Journeys.
Josh is leaving next week for a year of rabbinic study in Israel at the Conservative Yeshiva, and will share one last bit of Torah (for now!) with us as the introduction to the Torah reading this Shabbat. I invite you to join me this Shabbat in honoring Josh by learning from him, and by sharing our appreciation for the gift of sharing his soul with our community!
With Love,
Rabbi Creditor
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