
Aug 29, 2013

New CNS Adult Class: "Shacharit in 3 Acts or Who's Talking to Whom?" with Rabbi Stuart Kelman

A New Adult Education Class at Netivot Shalom!
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"When I pray, I talk to God; when I study
 Torah, God talks to me.

 - Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel z"l


"Shacharit in 3 Acts" or "Who's Talking to Whom?"

with Rabbi Stuart Kelman

Founding Rabbi of Netivot Shalom and an Editor of Machzor Lev Shalem


Is prayer a natural art or is it an acquired skill?  Come discover why the rabbis of old created and fashioned a set of experiences and words as a response to that question. In each of the three sessions, which can be taken independently, we'll delve deeper into the words and just what it is that they are supposed to do when we say them.  It would be lovely if you have good Hebrew skills, but they are not necessary for these sessions.  And if you have your own siddur that you like to use, bring it along!


WHERECongregation Netivot Shalom

WHEN: Mondays 7:30 to 9pm

Nov.  4:  Sh'ma and its Blessings: Connecting

Nov. 11:  The Amida: Getting Intimate

Nov. 18:  Torah Service: Learning and Acting


$10 per class. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Pre-registration required. Please contact Rachel at to be placed on the registration list.

Congregation Netivot Shalom | | |
1316 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702