
Sep 12, 2013

Two Learning Opportunities at 3:15pm Yom Kippur Day!

CNS Adult Education presents:
Two Learning Opportunities
at 3:15pm Yom Kippur Day!
(during the break between Musaf & Mincha)

Consumer Teshuvah: an Al Chet for the Market Place
with Robin Braverman and Mark Priven in the Library

This conversation relates our habitual consumer choices directly to many of the components of Al Chet, and how we can change direction, according to Jewish principles of repentance, to become better consumers--both individually and as a Jewish community. Everyone is welcome!

Open Q & A
with Rabbi Creditor in the Sanctuary

Do you have questions you’ve been waiting to ask, and would like to see Rabbi Creditor try to answer them in public - and on an empty stomach? This traditional Yom Kippur open conversation is a wonderful, unscripted chance to ask some big questions on a big day. Everyone is welcome!