
Mar 3, 2014

Rabbinic Statement on Global Economic Justice at JubileeUSA UC Berkeley Unity Event

Statement at Jubilee UC Berkeley Unity Event
© Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Congregation Netivot Shalom

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Friends, there is very little amplified in our world that reminds us how very much we need each other. Most of the noise we encounter, and much of what we generate, demonstrates a calcification of what each of us already believes. We subscribe to news sources that mirror our own worldviews, and click a new link when we're discomfited by what we hear, too quickly labeling what we don't agree with as "spin" and what we do agree with as "truth." If only, in service of our world, we could learn to see into each other's eyes with assumptions of dignity and worth... And the good news is that we can. As a faith leader within our beautiful, multi-vocal community, I feel blessed that JubileeUSA has helped us assemble, helped us stand and speak and cry and act together. Global poverty isn't a partisan issue, it isn't a secular issue, it isn't a national issue - it is a human problem, and every voice on every side of every "issue" is obligated to start the work of ending the abusive economic policies of nations and faceless corporations. Netivot Shalom stands as part of this effort. I stand as part of this effort. Thank you all for finding it within your hearts to stand together tonight - and, more importantly, tomorrow.

Rabbi Menachem Creditor Congregation Netivot Shalom