
May 16, 2014

Fwd: Weekly News from Congregation Netivot Shalom - May 17


Congregation Netivot Shalom|Shabbat Bechukotai

May 17, 2014 / 17 Iyar, 5774 | Shabbat Shalom!

Bat Mitzvah of Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Shabbat Leaders:

Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Rabbi of Congregation Netivot Shalom

Psukei D'Zimra

Rabbi Dorothy Richman


Julie Batz

Torah Service

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Calling Gabbai

Rena Dorph

Pointing Gabbai

Lee Bearson

Torah Reading (pg. 747)      Vayikra 26:3-27:15

Rishon       26:3-5

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Sheini        26:6-9

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Shlishi        26:10-46

Dvora Weisberg

Revi'i         27:1-4

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Chamishi      27:5-8

Sophia Brodie-Weisberg

Shishi         27:9-11

Tanya Freiberg Bearson

Shvi'i         27:12-15

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Maftir       27:32-34

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg

Haftarah (p.763) Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg


Ariella Brodie-Weisberg


Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Board Representative

Ken Schnur

Kiddush is sponsored by the Brodie-Weisberg family in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ariella Brodie-Weisberg. Mazal Tov!

Refuah Shleima: A complete healing to Ellen Reier, Heike Rivka bat Esther, Bracha bat Sarah, Michael Steinbaugh, William Steinbaugh, Dennis ben Elizabeth, Aryeh David, Miriam bat Malka, Chaya bat Chanah Ita, Dina Bat Devorah, Florence Leffler, Caroline Chamberlain, Sheldon Koiles, Cristofer Lix, Helene Rosov, Matt Ruppel, Bernarda Strauss, Michal Yael bat Avraham Avi, Malkah bat Yehudit, Miriam Simcha bat Chaya, Shmuel ben marsha, Schmuel Dovid ben Miriam, Yehudit bat Dvorah, Yehudah ben Rachel, Yehudah Tsvi ben Tsipora, Shmuel ben Zipora, Chana bat Chaya Sara, Penina bat Hadassah, Joel Siegel, Kevin Goodwin, Shimon Yankov Ben Henshe, Rone Prinz, Baruch Ben Feiga, Naomi Bat Dina, Elnatan Shmuel Ben Esther Malka, Stephen Waterman, Larry Hanover, Leah Ruth bat Yosiefa, Chaim ben Labe v'Bella, Connie Weissman, Len Kashner.


Yahrzeits include: Mildred Bolding, Nina Dorenz-Bender, Alfred Fain, Beatrice Greenberg, Jesse Louis Krone, Ruth Landsman, Libby Meizus Lieberman, Samuel Raphael, Joseph Avner Rhode, Roslyn Schwartz, Seymour Silberman, Louis Singer, Esther Tranter.


HaMakom Yenacheim - it is with great sadness that we shared the news of the passing this week of James Clayton z"l, brother of Vivian Clayton.


HaMakom Yenacheim - it is with great sadness that we shared the news of the passing this week of Gail Thompson z"l, grandmother of April Oldenburg's and grandmother-in-law of Michael Tarle.

Awesome Volunteers This week!
We would like to express a great big Todah Rabah to Milt Greenstein for tirelessly looking for solutions to fix the library window openers and Mary Breiner for ongoing preparations for the Gala Dinner!
In This Issue
Coming Events
Netivot Shalom Calendar



Get your tickets now for Netivot Shalom's Gala 5774, June 15, 6-9pm, as we are celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of our beloved shul! We look forward to receiving your sponsorship and tribute journal submissions to commemorate this landmark in our history. Formal invitations will arrive shortly. In the meantime, please check out the Gala 5774 link on the Netivot website, and direct any questions to cnsgala5774@netivotshalom. 

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