
May 27, 2014

Fwd: Welcome back CNS Rabbinic Intern Josh Buchin!

CNS Building
Welcome back CNS Rabbinic Intern Josh Buchin!
27 Iyyar, 5774 // May 27, 2014

Dear Chevreh,


Please join me in welcoming back CNS Rabbinic Intern Josh Buchin! Josh will serve as Rabbinic Intern at Netivot Shalom June until August. This will be an amazing opportunity to share an emerging rabbinate with the growing rabbinic needs of the Netivot Shalom community! Josh will be facilitating some Shabbat services, shadowing me in some of my meetings, sharing Torah, and meeting with different groups in our community, learning and offering support. I'm so very grateful to share my rabbinic journey with an intern, and so very pleased that it is specifically Josh. I've come to truly admire the heart and soul he brings to this calling we share.


Once Shavuot passes, we will share some of Josh's specific roles and teaching. For now, I hope you'll join me in preparing to welcome him home!


Kol Tuv,

Rabbi Creditor

Josh Buchin, CNS Rabbinic Intern

Shalom Eveyrone,   


I am thrilled to have the opportunity to return to the warm and loving community of Netivot Shalom this summer! For those of you whom I haven't yet met, I grew up in Berkeley, and have deep roots connecting me to both the Berkeley Jewish community as well as to Congregation Netivot Shalom. My family was involved with the founding of the community, and has remained active participants ever since. Before starting at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, I worked in Jewish education in a wide variety of settings throughout the Bay Area, including in the religious school at CNS. My own Bar Mitzvah was at CNS. Being here this summer, especially after being away in Israel for the year, really does feel like coming home.


Last summer at Netivot Shalom was a gift. It was a summer filled with learning, growth, challenges, triumphs. I am excited and humbled to have the opportunity to once again serve and grow with the amazing community of Netivot Shalom, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to be present at CNS once again in the role of rabbinic intern. Thank you all for opening up your home, and for sharing this journey with me.    


I am looking forward to deepening pre-existing relationships, to make new ones, and to learn from all of you in the coming weeks.


Kol Tuv!



Rabbi Menachem Creditor ▶

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