
May 15, 2015

Mazal Tov to Judy Massarano, winner of the Helen Diller Family Award for Excellence in Jewish Education!

Mazal Tov to Judy Massarano, winner of the Helen Diller Family Award for Excellence in Jewish Education!

Dear Chevreh,

Please join me in wishing Judy Massarano mazal tov upon being awarded the Helen Diller Family Award for Excellence in Jewish education! Judy shares her deep love of Torah and her many years as a Jewish educator with our Ketzev Hebrew School program, with our Netivot Shalom Preschool, with our recent Amitim for Grown-Ups Adult Bnot Mitzvah, and as a liasion and tutor for our Amitim Bnei Mitzvah Families and students. 

(There will be a wider press release and story in J. Weekly next week, but we just couldn't wait to celebrate our friend and teacher!)
Established in January 2001, the Diller awards recognize and honor educators offering pre-collegiate programs in Jewish education who have made an extraordinary impact on the youth of our community. Judy has had all that and more at Netivot Shalom and far beyond.

Mazal Tov to Judy, and to us all for being part of her Jewish community! 
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