
Nov 1, 2015

THIS FRIDAY! A special Ramah of Northern California Shabbat at Netivot Shalom!!!

Shabbat  at Netivot Shalom
This Friday, November 6th
Davening at 6:30pm
Dinner at 7:30pm

We will be welcoming the director of the new Northern California Camp Ramah,
Rabbi Sarah Shulman, who will spend for all of Shabbat at CNS! Friday night will give us the opportunity to spend one-on-one (or 100-on-one) time with her during Davning and dinner!

Cost is $18 per adult, $10 per pre-b'nai mitzvah child over 3, 
family maximum is $54. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Please RSVP by Wednesday to Daniel at!